1) Loose Weight
The first thing on my list was to loose weight and well that never happened at all! I think I literally spent three quarters of the year eating junk food. I blew right back up to my biggest size ever and that was all through over indulging on takeaways and eating far to much on lunch at work! If it wasn't sharing pizza's or feaster burgers I would be eating cream cakes! Funny enough this one has appeared on my list again this year and so far I'm doing alright I've already lost 12 pound! Although my friends did give me funny looks in the canteen when I was sitting eating just boiled eggs with spinach lol!
2) Save Money
Well this is something I truly suck at I can not save money to save my life. I do try but i always end up spending it before the months out where I don't budget myself properly. My motto for life is 'live for today sod tomorrow' but perhaps that saying where money is concerned isn't my brightest but it's true though. I love treating myself but maybe a bit to much I'm going to try harder this year! Although I did manage to get my Macbook Pro!
3) Pass my Theory Test
YAY I actually achieved this! I am super proud of myself that I actually got round to doing this let alone pass it first time. I done my theory back in June and I'm really kicking myself that I hadn't done it sooner I was super nervous but it was totally fine.
4) To get a Promotion
Well well well who would have thought it I only went and achieved this! I'm still quite surprised and in shock that it actually happened but I'm super happy and loving it. Although to be honest I wouldn't be in this situation if it wasn't for people believing in me which is something I'm still struggling with!
5) To do regular exercise
Well it is safe to say that I failed this miserably but to be fair to myself my job can be really strenuous and some days I literally come home from work and sleep where I am literally exhausted! I haven't even put this on my list year as I know too well it's never going to happen!
6) Visit Newcastle
Well of course I achieved this one and I am so happy I did! I have even already booked up my adventure for this year which I am super excited about! I still haven't wrote about my time up there last year but I will most defiantly will!
7) To say YES more!
To be fair to myself I have gone and done more this year then I ever would have before like when I went to Newcastle I done more then I usually would and experienced a lot more of the area and I went places and events or days out that i usually would have said no to because I was simply to scared I'd have a panic attack and do you know what I said yes every time and I was just fine!
I really hope you have enjoyed this post as much as I did looking back and seeing how many of the things I actually did achieve that I wanted to, 2016 was a really good year for me I just hope 2017 can live up to it!
Lots of Love